2022 was a year of nurture. Nurturing my body, resting my being, nesting in our home, bringing life into a world of unknowns. Post partum was a time of tears, ecstasy, recovery, and compassion. No one and nothing could interrupt the bubble we surrounded ourselves in as a family of five. Nuturing a new way of motherhood, my way of motherhood, with lessons from the past and idaes of the future.
2023 will be a year of worth. Beliveing I am worthy, just as I am. Speaking my truth. Letting go of victimization and judgement from others. People pleasing be gone. With resignation comes strength. With release comes space. Ego be gone. Numbing with wine, soaking in shame, overthinking over anyalzing over writing lists, distracted by the facade of busyness. I am worth these feelings, my feelings. I can speak my mind, be kind and opinionated. Sit with the uncomfortable. Sit with the ideas of what it means to be worthy. A woman’s worth. A human’s worth.